Teil 441 – Im Falle eines Falles

Teil 441 – Im Falle eines Falles

Apart from the best husband of all we are fit again! But last weekend’s adventure made me think. While meeting with unknown vets at ungodly hours you get talking and quite often I hear the complaint that a lot people have difficulties judging the health status...
Teil 440 – 30 Prozent Mira

Teil 440 – 30 Prozent Mira

The time was ripe – on Sunday I had to visit the emergency vet with Mira. It started on Saturday with a lack of appetite and she was disturbingly well behaved. She spent the whole afternoon on her window cushion in the office. Later she came downstairs to lie...
Teil 424 – Gewitter im Kopf

Teil 424 – Gewitter im Kopf

Sometimes epilepsy is described as a short circuit in the brain where a fuse is blown. All that neuronal electricity has to go somewhere and it discharges in an uncontrolled and uncontrollable seizure. Why am I telling you this? Because Joschi had his second seizure...
Teil 420 – Die Unsichtbaren

Teil 420 – Die Unsichtbaren

Another first: On Friday I was not able to publish an edition because of technical problems with the CMS. So the issue was as invisible as the parasites I had planned to write about. But it was just as well because the blog would have been way too long anyway. So I...
Teil 384 – Gefährliches Gras

Teil 384 – Gefährliches Gras

No, this is not déjà vu this is just plain unbelievable, like winning the lottery three times in a row – only in a negative way. After decades of cats where I have never had any problems with stray gras stems, we have now had this problem for the third time....