von sybilla | 18. Januar 2017 | Gesundheit |
In December it was time for Islay’s routine echocardiography but as I could not get an appointment we had to postpone it till this month. Regulars might recall, that after Ice-B died of the hereditary heart disease HMC (short for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), I...
von sybilla | 16. Dezember 2015 | Gesundheit |
I am so relieved! Yesterday Islay had his second echocardiography and everything is fine. 🙂 As you recall, after Ice-B’s death I had him and Isfrid scanned and his results were sort of borderline. That is why the vet advised to monitor him more closely which in...
von sybilla | 17. Juli 2015 | Gesundheit |
Ice-B is dead. There is no gentle way to say this. Yesterday morning at 6:20 am my worst nightmare came true. A blood clot closed Ice-B’s main leg aorta and stoped the blood supply. He could not move his hind legs anymore and was in excrutiating pain. Naturally...