von sybilla | 7. Juli 2014 | Verhalten |
First, let’s solve the plant mystery from last issue. Your trust in my gardening abilities is heart-warming but totally unfounded. There is no chance for me growing lychees, our weather is just too cold (you need the subtropics for that). I have to admit that I...
von sybilla | 3. Juli 2014 | Verhalten |
Yet another issue about body language and Maxine. This time it is about how she and Ginger get along. In the first years she only appeared at night so while Ginger could see her from his window, they actually never met. Now that she decided to stay, she sleeps in the...
von sybilla | 2. Juli 2014 | Verhalten |
After we talked about the eloquent cattail, I can show you an example and more body language today. Case in point is an encounter between Jaspar’s doppelganger and Maxine. As the only not neutered tomcat in the neighbourhood the doppelganger thinks he is the...