Teil 316 – Der Kratzstamm

Teil 316 – Der Kratzstamm

Today I can finally show you our new scratching stem in all its glory. As usual, the team was more interested in it lying on the floor than standing upright. As you will see it is really quite substantial – in fact so substantial and heavy that I was not able to...
Teil 306 – Katzen kratzen

Teil 306 – Katzen kratzen

We have a scratching post issue. While I did not believe that the blue one would last three years (click here for its first appearance) the banana leaf variety did not last long at all as this is already number two! I think the reason is quite obvious: everycat seems...
Teil 246 – Doppelgänger

Teil 246 – Doppelgänger

It is impossible to miss that a new, not neutered tom cat has arrived in our neighbourhood. At night you can hear the screeching und howling of his run-ins with Jaspar. Plus he liberally squirts his urine everywhere – particularly in and in front of Jaspar’s little...
Teil 42 – Markieren

Teil 42 – Markieren

Ich bin etwas hinter der üblichen Zeit, weil ich mit Ginger doch heute morgen zum Fädenziehen bei der Tierärztin war. Vorsichtshalber muss er heute noch seine Halskrause tragen, darüber ist er natürlich alles andere als froh, aber es gibt Licht am Ende des Tunnels. Je...