Teil 773 – Nachholbedarf

Teil 773 – Nachholbedarf

Backlog! Thanks to all who emailed me and asked whether anything is wrong. We are just fine – apart from Marvi who I have JUST driven to the vet because there is something stuck in her throat… From a job point of view, this holiday period has turned into...
Teil 772 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 772 – Montagsrätsel

How was your weekend? We had a really good, warm one without rain – which is truely notable this July. As you can see, today’s riddle picuture was taken on a less fortunate day. Question: What do you think, why is Mrs. Peel sitting in the flower pot? a)...
Teil 771 – Besuch der alten Dame

Teil 771 – Besuch der alten Dame

First my apologies that there was not even time for a riddle this week! Not only Germany was inundated, I was flooded with work and private events, too. But unlike the already lop-sided robinia next door, that gave in to the rain, uprooted and fell across the road, I...
Teil 770 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 770 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Who can spot the cat face in the bark of the right beech that Martin found? It is on the left side near the bottom. It took me a while but now it is really obvious. Apart from that Karl-Theodor, Martin and Susette are right, congrats! We had the Katzenparade...
Teil 769 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 769 – Montagsrätsel

Taken at a wide angle, the garden looks huge. Thankfully that is only an optical illusion as trying to contain even more nature would definitely be impossible for me. This year the garden has gone completely wild. Remember? First it was really cold, so when it finally...