Teil 603 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 603 – Montagsrätsel

I am sorry that I can only find time for the Monday Morning Riddle at the moment! We have had to cope with some quite serious health scares last week. None involving the best husdand of all and myself but nevertheless very worrying. One case still is Kater who...
Teil 601 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 601 – Montagsrätsel

The big light shaft that separates the house from the terrace is always of interest to the cats. They love to look down and check whether there is anything going on. To go into or out of the house, all the other cats either jump over the grids or use the area where...
Teil 596 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 596 – Montagsrätsel

Welcome to the Monday evening riddle! On a photograph that is hanging in the reception area of my vet’s office the owner captured her 7 cats all sitting on a scratching post and all looking attentively at the camera. The cats are remarkably beautiful but what is...