von sybilla | 15. Februar 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
Good Monday! Today Sander is showing you how an adult cat would approach an enemy – turning broadside, back arched, hair standing on end and tail fluffed. If this were serious he would also have his head slightly lowered and his ears set back. Here it is all...
von sybilla | 9. Februar 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
Good guess, Karl-Theodor! Only Islay can drive Isfrid that crazy. (Mrs. Peel and Sander are still too young to be taken seriously.) But don’t pity her! As you can see – cads‘ fighting when ended is soon mended. Furthermore Isfrid can be a bully, too....
von sybilla | 8. Februar 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
This riddle is as easy as it is late. And therefore you don’t have multiple choices but have to tell me. Question: Who is Isfrid hissing at? See you tomorrow! ————– Das heutige Rätsel ist ebenso leicht wie spät und deshalb habt ihr...
von sybilla | 2. Februar 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
Well spotted, Micki! It looks unbelievable but little Mrs. Peel is fighting with Islay and got smothered in his long winter fur – at least to begin with. Have a look at the whole sequence. As you can see our little lady knows how to defend herself and how to get...
von sybilla | 1. Februar 2016 | Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
Where are the almond trees already blooming? What do you think? Mallorca, Tenerife, Sicily or right here? This is of course not the real Monday Morning Riddle, the real one is about the following picture and furball Islay: Question: What is Islay doing? a) He is...