von sybilla | 26. Januar 2016 | Montagsrätsel |
Unbelievable but true, when heavyweight Marvi jumped onto the barbecue it protested with such a loud bang that it made a frightened Sander’s hair stand up. Well done, Karl-Theodor, Susette and Sonia! Time for a diet, Marvi! ————–...
von sybilla | 25. Januar 2016 | Katzenkinder, Montagsrätsel, Verhalten |
Kittens cannot yet evaluate situations properly. They still have to learn what constitutes a threat and what not. So they get excited easily and puff their fur up at any unanticipated move or noise. Sander can puff up and deflate just from being jumped by Mrs. Peel or...
von sybilla | 19. Januar 2016 | Montagsrätsel |
Who would a frustrated Sander love to catch? Marvi! Congratulations Susette, Karl-Theodor and Micki! You know your Team 🙂 ————– Wen würde ein frustrierter Sander so gerne fangen? Marvi! Glückwunsch an Susette, Karl-Theodor und Micki! Ihr...
von sybilla | 12. Januar 2016 | Montagsrätsel |
Well done, Susette! You guessed correctly: Sander spots Isfrid on the observation deck and wants to join her. Only there is not enough room for two and Isfrid does not dream of either leaving or climbing up higher. So we can observe Sander thinking while he is hanging...
von sybilla | 11. Januar 2016 | Montagsrätsel |
This Monday I have a quiz for you: As you can see above, Sander has spotted somthing up in the climbing ash. Question: What will happen next? a) Nothing, Sander will get distracted by somebody/something else. b) He will climb up a bit and then plump down. c) He will...