von sybilla | 3. November 2015 | Allgemein, Sonderausgabe |
Please don’t expect too much from this jubilee edition – apart from many new pictures! Naturally I could not include 500 photos but at least one from every team member. It pains me to see that Ginger and Ice-B are missing from this line-up but as I have...
von sybilla | 26. Oktober 2015 | Allgemein, Sonderausgabe
This year nothing goes according to plan. It has of course been all my fault. I was not sure whether I could dare to create und print another calendar. So dear readers, this is up to you! If you manage to vote for your favourite cat pics till November, 3rd, I will do...
von sybilla | 1. Juni 2015 | Sonderausgabe |
Death in paradise Last Thursday started like any other working day with the only exception that we did get up a little later than usual as the best husband of all had caught a terrible cold and spent the last couple of days in bed. Ginger went out at the front, had...
von sybilla | 27. Mai 2015 | Allgemein, Sonderausgabe |
After all these birthdays yet another special edition. So what can I show you after you have all seen most of the team up close and personal just a few issues ago? How about a few snapshots of those rare cat moments – like the whole house team having breakfast...
von sybilla | 24. April 2015 | Sonderausgabe |
It had been an open secret that society lady Lilly vom Struckmannsberg was looking for a new partner. Rumour had it that the wealthy widow had already turned down some candidates due to insufficient means. But last Saturday it finally happened: Lilly moved in with her...