Special: 500. Katzenparade

Special: 500. Katzenparade

Please don’t expect too much from this jubilee edition – apart from many new pictures! Naturally I could not include 500 photos but at least one from every team member. It pains me to see that Ginger and Ice-B are missing from this line-up but as I have...
Sonderausgabe: Tod im Paradies

Sonderausgabe: Tod im Paradies

Death in paradise Last Thursday started like any other working day with the only exception that we did get up a little later than usual as the best husband of all had caught a terrible cold and spent the last couple of days in bed. Ginger went out at the front, had...
Die 475. Katzenparade

Die 475. Katzenparade

After all these birthdays yet another special edition. So what can I show you after you have all seen most of the team up close and personal just a few issues ago? How about a few snapshots of those rare cat moments – like the whole house team having breakfast...
Exklusiv: Die Society-Hochzeit des Jahres

Exklusiv: Die Society-Hochzeit des Jahres

It had been an open secret that society lady Lilly vom Struckmannsberg was looking for a new partner. Rumour had it that the wealthy widow had already turned down some candidates due to insufficient means. But last Saturday it finally happened: Lilly moved in with her...