von sybilla | 15. Oktober 2013 | Allgemein, Sonderausgabe |
Dear patient readers! A lot happened in the past two weeks that demanded my complete attention. I was so busy that I was not even able to take photos, left alone publish a blog. But don’t worry, the cats and the humans are fine, we only „lost“ Putti...
von sybilla | 10. Oktober 2013 | Sonderausgabe |
Today is world dog day! Let me introduce you to the dogs of our readers. Plus I added a couple of dog pics I took from the dogs next door of our old house. Maybe you even remember the „dog campaign“ Chrystal Decisions had aeons ago? One of the attached...
von sybilla | 9. Oktober 2013 | Sonderausgabe |
200 issues of Katzenparade – unbelievable but true! As it is customary on occasions like these I want to look back to the most memorable issues. Apart from issue 6 introducing Islay, the one with the most feedback was #21, a winter special where we all enjoyed the...
von sybilla | 26. September 2013 | Sonderausgabe |
This special issue covers a topic that was discussed in the town hall of my hometown yesterday. As thousands of abandoned and neglected cats roam our cities and countrysides, our local animal activists want the council to pass a law to enforce the neutering of cats....
von sybilla | 9. August 2013 | Außen, Sonderausgabe, Wildtiere |
Hallo liebe Katzenparadenfans! Schon wieder ein Special! Und zudem muss ich euch auch noch enttäuschen, denn in dieser Ausgabe spielen die kleinen Tiger nicht die Hauptrolle. Aber nachdem ich mir gestern Abend folgendes anhören durfte, habe ich mich entschlossen, mit...