von sybilla | 7. November 2017 | Herbst |
Meet the next candiate from the Grey Party: Islay. ———- Darf ich vorstellen? Der Kandidat der grauen Partei: Islay. Bis morgen! Sybilla islay_2017_09_portrait2 islay_2017_10_ahorndach2 islay_2017_10_von_unten islay_2017_09_ahorn2 islay_2017_09_ahorn1...
von sybilla | 6. November 2017 | Herbst |
Sorry! There will be no riddle this week, as I have planned to show you specials of each team member in case you have not nominated your Top 20 cats of 2017 yet. Today is Isfrid’s turn. ———- Entschuldigt, aber heute gibt es kein Montagsrätsel,...
von sybilla | 31. Oktober 2017 | Herbst, Sonderausgabe |
In case you did not know we have a public holiday today here in Germany but I wanted to wish you lots of fun today regardless! Sorry that I cannot include bats or pumkins but I got at least a spider and a rather scary Isfrid. 🙂 Have a creepy night – or not like...
von sybilla | 30. Oktober 2017 | Sonderausgabe |
Time to vote for your Katzenparade top models! Dear patient readers, So much happened in the past two weeks that demanded my undivided attention. I was even too busy to take photos! But don’t worry, the cats and the humans are alive and kicking, only Putti found...
von sybilla | 18. Mai 2017 | Allgemein, Sonderausgabe |
You are all so good – in every respect! You all got the answer to the Monday Morning Birthday Riddle right – my apologies for being so late – and you all have borne with us for 750 issues. To thank you for your angelic patience, kind attention and...