von sybilla | 15. Mai 2017 | Sonderausgabe |
Today we celebrate Joschi’s birthday and for once it is really THE day because he was born on May 15th exactly 12 years ago. Out little dwarf king „Alberich“ dislikes the cold and enjoys more naps than he used to but apart from that „Shawn the...
von sybilla | 5. Mai 2017 | Sonderausgabe |
How can Sander and Mrs. Peel possibly celebrate their birthsdays without their siblings? Sander und Mrs. Peel können doch keinen Geburtstag ohne ihre Geschwister feiern! …Minu! In the last year sweet Minu and her partner Mocca moved house and can again enjoy a...
von sybilla | 4. Mai 2017 | Sonderausgabe |
In contrast to our Ms we know for sure that the Is were born on May, 1st. Sadly the start formation is no longer intact and we now only have an MI4 (was alledgedly in charge of Aerial Reconnaisance) instead of an MI5 (Domestic Intelligence and Security). I am pretty...
von sybilla | 3. Mai 2017 | Sonderausgabe |
Welcome to our birthday week! Apart from the front yard posse, all other team members were born in spring. Let’s start with sisters Mira and Marvi, whose 6th birthday we celebrated on April 30th. You all know by now that Mira is a solitary animal at heart. And...
von sybilla | 24. Dezember 2016 | Sonderausgabe, Tierschutz, Winter |
The making of: Sometimes things do not go according to plan. As Mrs. Peel loved Rudolph so much, I had intended to make her and the reindeer the Christmas duo for 2016. I placed Rudolph on the bench and waited. But apart from Isfrid nobody was interested. I tried to...