Special: Weltkatzentag-Rätsel

Special: Weltkatzentag-Rätsel

Welcome to our world cat day riddle! Could you imagine a life without your pets? I certainly could not! That is why I – for once – do not want to draw your attention to all those cats (and dogs) that live abandoned or in shelters but to those organisations...
Special: Happy Birthday, Joschi!

Special: Happy Birthday, Joschi!

This is the last birthday special, promised! Jaspar was probably an autumn kitten and I have no clue when Maxine was born, the only one we still have to congratulate is Joschi who turned 11 this month. Looking at him it feels really odd that he is now our senior. He...
Special: Happy Birthday…

Special: Happy Birthday…

Be warned, this will be the longest issue ever! As difficult as it was for me to let the rest of the kittens go, by being able to chose the new parents for them myself, I have had the privilege to meet and/or get to know some wonderful people. So instead of...