Teil 724 – Katzenzungen

Teil 724 – Katzenzungen

I am not quite done with issue 723’s topic yet: Cat tongue, langue de chat (French), Katzenzungen (German), lingua di gatto (Italian), lenga di gato (Spanish) or língua de gato (Portuguese) are known all around the world. These chocolates do not really look like...
Teil 712 – Sound and Vision

Teil 712 – Sound and Vision

What do cats actually see? I don’t mean what colours they can see or how sharp the image is but whether they are really capable of recognising friends and foes just by vision. I have my doubts. Other cats How often had I observed Jaspar freeze when Ginger came...
Teil 685 – Rückzugsorte

Teil 685 – Rückzugsorte

When your cats live indoors only, they should ideally have access to your whole flat – even your bedroom. Try snuggling up with your cat and you will see that this is an experience not to be missed. With the whole apartment or house at the cats‘ disposal...
Teil 673 – Sauwetter

Teil 673 – Sauwetter

Complaining about the weather is a popular German pastime. From frosty and dry we moved to double-digit temperatures and wet. As you know the cats hate wet but they still want to go outside. After all, you could miss something interesting, right? But after a while the...