Teil 419 – Ausgetrickst

Teil 419 – Ausgetrickst

or the nearly perfect hiding place. This month our kidney patients need to go to their regular blood test again. Last time I had loaded all the cats into the car. The short drive proved to be plain hell as the youngsters made a terrible racket. Especially Issi made...
Teil 415 – War was?

Teil 415 – War was?

Cat owners know this scenario only too well: A moment ago their darling was soundly and peacefully relaxing on its favourite spot when it suddenly jumps up as if stung by an adder and whirls around the house like a trapped ball lightning. Like possessed your cat flies...
Teil 414 – Dachschmuck

Teil 414 – Dachschmuck

All around the world roof ornaments have been popular since ancient times. Christian churches are adorned with crosses, weathercocks and finials. The minarets of mosques are often decorated with half moons while lions and dragons can be found on chinese roofs. These...
Teil 413 – Der nächste Winter…

Teil 413 – Der nächste Winter…

Even though we had wonderfully warm weather yet again on Sunday and some flowers are still blooming, I thought it wise to finally prepare for cold nights and frost. As you can see, most perennials in the „tulip patch“ have already been cut down to the...
Teil 412 – Braun gewinnt

Teil 412 – Braun gewinnt

I learned last week that you cannot get everything on the Internet. As Ginger is not as flexible as he used to be, he sometimes has difficulties jumping on his bed and his scratching post. On a photo Susette and Alexander kindly shared with me (you will find out in a...
Teil 411 – Inhalt: 1 Norweger

Teil 411 – Inhalt: 1 Norweger

Today we had the first frost. Our readers in the eastern US will probably have a laughing fit when reading this as they are currently drowning in feet of snow. But I only want to use the weather as an excuse for yet another box issue because as it is getting colder...
Teil 410 – Hinter Gittern

Teil 410 – Hinter Gittern

Tiger alarm near Paris! What does a normal citizen do nowadays when he spots a tiger in the car park of his local supermarket? He takes a photo! Then he notifies the authorities. For days French police and experts have been looking for a big feline predator. Turns out...
Teil 403 – 20 Grad

Teil 403 – 20 Grad

It may already be Thursday but the warm weather we had over the last weekend is still noteworthy. After all we broke another „heat record“ for the beginning of November. While the cats are starting to get their winter fur, the garden is still a mixture of...
Teil 402 – Nur ein Statusupdate

Teil 402 – Nur ein Statusupdate

Sometimes I do have to work and earn all that money I spend on cat food, toys and – not to forget – the vet. So there was no Halloween special, no Monday edition and this is also a pitiful issue as it is only to quickly inform you that we are all fit and...
Teil 401 – Kratzduell

Teil 401 – Kratzduell

In our household the life expectancy of a piece of cat-on scratch furniture is a little over three months. I liked the first model „La Ola“ a lot but the next we tried was too small (in my opinion). So I ordered my favourite and two different, rather low...
Die 400. Katzenparade

Die 400. Katzenparade

What haven’t you all seen in the jubilee editions: Funny positions, the cats of fellow readers, typical poses, joy of living, best mates, roses, the most memorable issue, a health bulletin, three-legged wonder cats, statistics and an abundance of team portraits....