von sybilla | 27. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Herbst, Innen, Verhalten |
If the cats had their way they would want all be able to come and go as they please on both sides of the house. The mere thought makes me dizzy! They would chase right through the house and their „presents“ aka mice would no doubt be deposited right on the...
von sybilla | 24. Oktober 2014 | Ausstattung, Verhalten |
As reported Islay M. from L. was asked to help the police with their enquiries. He was suspected of having hit and injured his sister Isfrid M. As the victim refused to make a statement, DCI Ben J. had to rely on circumstancial evidence: A piece of white fur that was...
von sybilla | 23. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Gesundheit, Herbst, Verhalten |
Autumn, time of plenty! While the flowers are heading for the finish line the berries and mushrooms are just getting started. It goes beyond saying that the cats are the gourmets mentioned in the headline. Watch restaurant critics Islay and Joschi tasting and...
von sybilla | 22. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Verhalten |
Sometimes the mountain or the tree calls and a cat just has to follow. While others gaze longingly at the peak and have to give up halfway, the successful tree climber is rewarded with breath-taking vistas over his realm. (The descent is less elegant but what the...
von sybilla | 21. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Herbst, Wetter, Wildtiere |
The admirals in the title have of course nothing to do with the navy but are red admirals of the insect variety or Vanessa atalanta in latin. The rather inconspicious blossoms of the ivy have proven to be real butterfly magnets and I could take some really nice...
von sybilla | 20. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Herbst, Wetter |
The staghorn sumac is a native to eastern North America (as some of you will of course know because you see it every day) but is grown in temperate climes all around the world because of its beautiful autumn colouring. My apologies for pestering you again with our...
von sybilla | 16. Oktober 2014 | Allgemein, Verhalten |
Today I have another picture story for you. Remember that I told you that the Is hunt as a pack? Today you can see that Issi spots something in the ivy and within seconds her brothers get wind of it and Islay takes over. So much brute force is too much for Issi and...
von sybilla | 15. Oktober 2014 | Ausstattung, Verhalten |
Yesterday the quiet neighbourhood up the hill was alarmed by piercing shrieks. The inhabitants came running to find a shell-shocked Isfrid M. seeking shelter on the little maple tree in the garden of her house – heavily marked by scratches. Afraid of further...
von sybilla | 14. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Herbst, Wetter |
Autumn wears red – and orange and pink and white and magenta and blue and … The wonderful weather brings out the autumsn shades in our trees and bushes while some of the summer flowers are still in bloom, too. This makes for some amazing combinations. So...
von sybilla | 13. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Herbst |
Maybe I am totally wrong. But when I roam around the bunny meadow in the morning I see such an abundance of tasty herbs that I cannot help thinking that at least the little herbivores live in a modern day Cockaigne. Wherever they go, everything is edible, even the...
von sybilla | 10. Oktober 2014 | Sonderausgabe, Wildtiere |
The International Nature Photography Festival will take place in our town from October 24th till 26th this year. I had never managed to go but last year I finally found the time and can only recommend it! Apart from certain lectures and workshops entrance to the...
von sybilla | 9. Oktober 2014 | Außen, Ausstattung, Innen |
Did you know that cats can have up to three litters per year? (Now you know why my animal rescue friends are so keen on neutering all those stray and neglected cats: It only takes a couple of months and instead of one cat you end up with having 16!) Apart from spring,...
von sybilla | 7. Oktober 2014 | Allgemein, Außen, wild animals, Wildtiere |
Our bench is not only frequented by cats and humans. Look what I found on Saturday: It is the caterpillar of the Pale Tussock, a moth, which explains why I have not seen the adult form (or the imago as it is scientifically called) before. When looking it up I found...
von sybilla | 6. Oktober 2014 | Allgemein, Gesundheit, Sonderausgabe
The Katzenparade team mourns the death of their pal Luther. A terrible gastric tumor had made his life a misery and caused him so much pain that there was nothing left for Alexander and Susette to do but to help him cross the rainbow bridge. Now he can eat everything...
von sybilla | 2. Oktober 2014 | Ausstattung, Verhalten |
Would I leave for a long weekend without a new issue for you to read on Friday? Never! So here we go: Do you remember issue 348 where I confessed that Mira is marking her „territory“ aka the inside of the house? You will also recall that I got her (and...
von sybilla | 1. Oktober 2014 | Allgemein, Gesundheit |
No, this is not déjà vu this is just plain unbelievable, like winning the lottery three times in a row – only in a negative way. After decades of cats where I have never had any problems with stray gras stems, we have now had this problem for the third time....
von sybilla | 30. September 2014 | Allgemein, Außen, wild animals, Wildtiere |
Unbelievable, but true there are some- natural inhabitants of our woods I have not shown you yet. The problem with the hedgehogs is that they only appear when it is dark and – as you are my witnesses, dear readers – I am not particularly good in taking...
von sybilla | 29. September 2014 | Außen, Herbst, Sommer, Wetter |
This issue is very boring. You may be under the impression the cats do something funny or extraordinary every day but you could not be more wrong! Take last Sunday for example. It was a beautiful warm day and all the cats did was enjoying the sunshine and relaxing....
von sybilla | 26. September 2014 | Außen, Spiele |
Thankfully I am the photographer and not the model (I am certainly the most unphotogenic person on earth). But if someone were trying to catch me on film today she/he would have difficuly as I am jumping for joy that this week is over. Instead let Islay and his posse...
von sybilla | 24. September 2014 | Außen, Herbst |
Just in time for the beginning of autumn, our local newspaper published a small article about the dramatic increase in mushroom poisoning this year. The poison control center in Mainz has already registered 300 calls – twice as many as during the last years. No...