von sybilla | 8. Mai 2014 | Allgemein, Frühling |
Before all the spring flowers are withered, let’s finish with our garden tour. Particularly beautiful this year is our beauty bush (Kolkwitzia amabilis) and the columbines. I am also looking forward to them fresh herbs and strawberries and we even got some almonds...
von sybilla | 7. Mai 2014 | Allgemein, Verhalten |
One of the meanings of the German word “Fetzen” is shred. So when you are “at it hammer and tongs” in German people quarrel “dass die Fetzen fliegen” (until shreds are flying). In the following picture story you can take this literally. The main characters of this...
von sybilla | 6. Mai 2014 | Allgemein, Frühling |
Let’s go on our usual garden tour! As I have already sent you a photo of the mayfly here is another herald of spring – lilys of the valley. The rather artistic photo above happened by accident while I fiddled with the knobs on my camera. You will find the...
von sybilla | 5. Mai 2014 | Gesundheit, Sonderausgabe |
At the moment things come thick and fast again. Originally, I had planned to take you to our customary stroll through the spring garden but this weekend Jaspar kept us on our toes – and so far we have not been able to fix his current problem. There is no denying:...
von sybilla | 2. Mai 2014 | Sonderausgabe |
As you know, Mira’s und Marvi’s birthday was set to April, 30th while we know for certain that the Is were born on May, 1st. As there is no Katzenparade on public holidays I would like to use this issue to congratulate the MI5. Our youngsters are now three...
von sybilla | 30. April 2014 | Außen, Frühling |
Before we come to today’s intended copy I just have to share this piece of news with you. I think it fits quite well as tonight is a magical, mystical night for celebration: Our local daily runs a small section headlined „Out of this world“. Today...
von sybilla | 29. April 2014 | Frühling, Pflege |
While the matted fur of Ice-B, Islay and even Joschi needed to be clipped Isfrid is the only who is still in charge of her winter coat. Even though her fur is like it should be – easy to maintain – it comes off in large swatches of hair, which are sometime...
von sybilla | 28. April 2014 | Außen, Frühling |
While our terrace cleaning operation was cut short due to mechanical failure, I had time to observe (and photograph) Marvi, the three-legged wonder cat, jumping. As Marvi is normally very careful before she jumps on or off something she is an ideal model. While she...
von sybilla | 25. April 2014 | Außen, Frühling, Wildtiere |
Obsolescence is the term used when things age and break before their time. Did you know that it is technically possible to produce nylon stockings and light bulbs that could last forever? But then, what would happen to business? I don’t know whether the water...
von sybilla | 24. April 2014 | Außen, Frühling |
How often have you now watched Jaspar on the first floor parapet looking down on… well, what does he look down on exactly? You can find out today. I have to admit that I also wanted to show you our current view. I cannot offer you a remake of the deer in the...
von sybilla | 23. April 2014 | Allgemein, Frühling, Verhalten |
As you could witness on several occasions, water holds an endless fascination for cats. Today you can watch Marvi observing the water flow while the others are more interesting in the source of the little stream – the watering can. And Issi shows quite clearly...
von sybilla | 22. April 2014 | Allgemein, Frühling |
Not only the back garden is full of flowers. At the front the lilac is in full bloom. We have never had so many blossoms! Did you know that you should prune lilac after blooming in spring and not in autumn? That way you are guaranteed to get loads of flowers....
von sybilla | 17. April 2014 | Sonderausgabe |
As you have already witnessed, I am no good at staging photos. My worst experience happened last Easter when I had the brilliant idea to confront the bunnies with one of their chocolate counterparts and watch them with the camera ready. The best husband of all...
von sybilla | 16. April 2014 | Ausstattung, Futter, Gesundheit |
Cats need to eat gras. It is important for them because it helps them to disgorge hairballs. In springtime when cats get rid of their thick winter fur, they all eat gras like herbivores. As Joschi was confined indoors for weeks due to his open head wound, we got him...
von sybilla | 15. April 2014 | Ausstattung, Innen, Spiele, Spielzeug |
While the others enjoy the great outdoors Mira is more reluctant than ever to leave the house. So I have to keep her busy. One of her favourite toys is a little red nub ball that when thrown bounces all over the place so one cannot tell in advance where it would go....
von sybilla | 14. April 2014 | Allgemein, Frühling, Verhalten |
The German word that describes today’s topic is worth becoming an English term like „doppelganger“. What does it stand for? It describes the strange feeling you get in spring when the sun and warmth should inspire and excite you – but all you...
von sybilla | 11. April 2014 | Allgemein, Frühling |
I know that you look at this blog because you are interested in the pictures and stories of the cats. But as nature and our garden play such an important role in their lives – plus I am a garden and flower fanatic – I will bore you again with plants and...
von sybilla | 10. April 2014 | Allgemein, Ausstattung |
This topic has been in the pipeline for a long time but got pushed back again and again due to more dramatic developments. I think now is the time to show you some new and old resting places of the team. I hope you like the photos, even though Joschi’s and...
von sybilla | 9. April 2014 | Allgemein, Gesundheit |
While Joschi cannot eat enough at the moment, Marvi should definitely eat less. As I am still visiting the vet on a daily basis I have plenty of time to study the posters in the waiting room. One depicts the silhouettes of dogs and cats in various stages of...
von sybilla | 8. April 2014 | Frühling, Gesundheit |
This issue is about our second little patient, Jaspar. To ensure that his belly wound could heal properly he had to stay at the vet for 5 days. First he was really angry and even refused to eat but then he turned into a model patient. He absolutely adored my visits...