Teil 278 – Tulpenbeet II

Teil 278 – Tulpenbeet II

Due to the warm weather nature is falling all over itself and all spring flowers seem to want to bloom at the same time. The result is a colour explosion in the tulip patch that I want to share with you today – with a particularly warm greeting to all friends in...
Teil 277 – Die Waldklinik

Teil 277 – Die Waldklinik

We are back! Well, sort of…Last Thursday morning I went to the dentist because I thought that the nagging headache I have had for days was due to an infected root canal. Twelve hours and four doctors later I discharged myself from the emergency room of our local...
Teil 276 – Portraits

Teil 276 – Portraits

It has become sort of a tradition that a jubilee edition contains the latest portrait pics of the team. Yesterday’s 275th issue was all about Joschi due to his baffling illness. The good news is, his condition is improving – hopefully this is the beginning...
Teil 273 – Frühlingsanfang

Teil 273 – Frühlingsanfang

First my apologies for not publishing an issue on Friday but our little patient was so poorly that I had to take him to the vet again. Thankfully he has improved a wee bit over the weekend 🙂 Joschi did miss our truely wonderful first day of spring though. But the...
Teil 271 – Hoch das Bein!

Teil 271 – Hoch das Bein!

An important part in any fitness regime is stretching and flexibility. Seems no participant in our fitness bootcamp has problems in that area. (Don’t you think Maxine and Jaspar deserve top marks and a treat for execution?) And if that is not enough gymnastics...
Teil 270 – Fitness mit Ice-B

Teil 270 – Fitness mit Ice-B

In response to yesterday’s blog Ice-B has kindly agreed to show us his fitness recipe. He demonstrates that it does not take much to get a total body workout. And the good thing is: You don’t need fancy equipemtn but can just use what is naturally around...
Teil 269 – Wampenparade

Teil 269 – Wampenparade

This week is fitness week! Why? Because it cannot be denied that half of my cats are … ahem, let’s say „portly“. The Norwegians are always running around outside and burn calories by the truckload. And while Joschi is such a lightweight because...
Special – Spaziergang in Marburg

Special – Spaziergang in Marburg

This issue is for Jörg who is the indirect instigator of the Katzenparade. Without him all this would not exist. This week, he has started working again and that is the best news ever. I had planned to stop the Katzenparade as soon as he was fit to return to the...
Teil 267 – Ich auch!

Teil 267 – Ich auch!

As another effect of the dry and sunny weather, Maxine has started her usual tours again and frequently misses breakfast. That in turn means that Jaspar has nobody to chase around with and is getting bored. Even though the bunny crew has started work last Saturday,...
Teil 266 – Mira traut sich

Teil 266 – Mira traut sich

Maybe you have already asked yourself where indoor cat supremo Mira is when the weather is so nice? Well, she is going outside of course – but VERY carefully! ————– Vielleicht hast du dich schon gefragt, was eigentlich Mira, die...
Teil 265 – Märzmond

Teil 265 – Märzmond

On Sunday we had the most splendid weather. The first really warm spring day broke a record in the all time list with 23,7 degrees Celsius. The cats were overjoyed. I had to spoil the fun for Ice-B a little and caged one of the catnips in the hope that it will...
Teil 264 – Am Zaun II

Teil 264 – Am Zaun II

I would not like animals and should join the police force. This I was told on Saturday afternoon. What had happened? While strolling through the back garden my neighbour called me from a first floor window to let me know how much he enjoyed the Katzenparade with his...
Teil 263 – Ich sehe was,

Teil 263 – Ich sehe was,

I spy with my little eye.. Sometimes you wonder why cats sit on uncomfortable surfaces instead of on one of their soft cushions or blankets. Marvi for instance likes to lie on the cold, hard stone staircase. We have often wondered why. Now I know! Depending on which...
Teil 261 – Besetzt!

Teil 261 – Besetzt!

This issue will be a short one as Joschi is still poorly and we still do not know what is wrong and why. So while I am dashing to the vet again, you can see how easily cats are pleased. Just offer them somthing to occupy! Keep you fingers crossed for Joschi!...
Teil 259 – Büroalltag

Teil 259 – Büroalltag

My weekend did not go according to plan. An emergency visit to the vet with Joschi spoiled a beautiful Sunday. He caught an infection and fussy eater that he is has not eaten at all so I had to resort to special food. I will keep you posted! Because of this disruption...